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Archive for October, 2007|Monthly archive page

The lotus weeps (a poem for the monks of Burma)

In Art, Asia, Burma, Democracy, Human Rights, Literature, Military, Myanmar, Opinion, Poem, Poetry, Politics, Religion, Spirituality, Thoughts, Values on October 23, 2007 at 21:05

The earth abides and barely feels
The feet that walk upon its face;
But as they lift and as they fall,
The lotus weeps in Myanmar Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Deceive and conquer

In Church, Constitution, Criticism, Critique, Culture, History, Humor, Law, Manila, News, Opinion, Philippines, Pinoy, Politics, Society on October 22, 2007 at 22:09

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When the Crescent conquered Byzantium (a fragment)

In Catholicism, Christianity, Europe, Faith, History, Islam, Medieval, Orthodoxy, Politics, Religion, Society, War on October 18, 2007 at 14:45

The fall of Constantinople was a political catastrophe, but no one now weeps for the day the Crescent flew over the Hagia Sophia Read the rest of this entry »

Why does doctrine matter? part 2 of 2

In Bible, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Culture, Debate, Faith, God, Jesus, Logic, Opinion, Personal, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Theology, Thomism, Thoughts on October 8, 2007 at 00:39

…We were living 2,000 years after the Apostles, in a land thousands of miles from the land they trod. My best friend’s other question was in point: what’s the point? Read the rest of this entry »

Is there a happily ever after? (Barkings, no. 4)

In Life, Love, Opinion, Personal, Thoughts on October 3, 2007 at 19:28

To my friend P__, after she texted that she could no longer imagine a happily ever after:

Me, I think there’s no happily ever after, only home ever after–sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but mostly in-between.  Maybe the question is, when it’s in-between, are you home?

“Anime Encourages Murder”, a conservative response

In Animation, Anime, Art, Christianity, Comics, Conservative, Criticism, Culture, Debate, Entertainment, Faith, God, Media, Opinion, Religion, Television, Thoughts on October 2, 2007 at 00:46

I read the post “Anime Encourages Murder” on Blogs for Brownback (B4B) yesterday, Manila time, and I’m joining the chorus of persons who consider it one-sided and uninformed Read the rest of this entry »