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In Faith, God, Life, Personal, Poetry, Spirituality, Thoughts on August 24, 2007 at 10:43

I am not a poet, whatever my delusions to the contrary, albeit I often comfort myself with the thought that I at least “have the heart of a poet, if not the voice” Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: The First Miracle, part 1 of 3

In Culture, Faith, Family, God, Health, Life, Personal, Philippines, Prayer, Religion, Society on August 20, 2007 at 03:53

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The Crisis of Modern Theology (a historical overview)

In Bible, Catholicism, Christianity, Culture, Education, Faith, God, History, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, Society, Spirituality, Theology, Thoughts, Tradition on August 13, 2007 at 10:12

From the 17th to the 19th centuries, broadly comprehending the “Rationalist” and “Liberal Revolutionary” periods, the various Christian groups, particularly the Catholic Church, were subjected to successive shocks that many feared (or hoped) would be fatal. In these 2 centuries, the 2,000-year-old faith of the intelligentsia weakened considerably, perhaps irreversibly; a strong anti-Christian ideological movement arose across Christendom’s ancient heartland; and there emerged a deep social prejudice against Christian belief and history Read the rest of this entry »

History as Christian Vocation

In Bible, Catholicism, Christianity, Faith, God, History, Jesus, Logic, Opinion, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, Society, Spirituality, Theology, Thomism, Thoughts, Tradition on August 11, 2007 at 14:26

Every Christian is by necessity a historian, a student and transmitter of history, for her Faith is at heart, a historical religion. At its core lies the affirmation that the eternal, trans-historical God, the Maker and Sustainer of human history, became a part of that history Read the rest of this entry »