omnibus omnia

Archive for the ‘Birthday’ Category

Why milestones are milestones

In Birthday, Christianity, Culture, Ethics, God, Grace, Holidays, Language, Life, Liturgy, Love, Philosophy, Religion, Sacraments, Spirituality, Theology, Values on January 6, 2009 at 00:21

To call an event a milestone and mark it with some little ritual is to affirm of the meaning of life… Read the rest of this entry »

The (sort-of) semiotics of milestones

In Atheism, Birthday, Christianity, Culture, Faith, God, History, Holidays, Language, Life, Love, Opinion, Personal, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Theology, Thoughts, Values on December 19, 2008 at 05:34

To call an act/event a milestone and mark it with some little ritual is an affirmation of the meaningfulness of life… (Revised into a somewhat more readable post here.) Read the rest of this entry »