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Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

Why milestones are milestones

In Birthday, Christianity, Culture, Ethics, God, Grace, Holidays, Language, Life, Liturgy, Love, Philosophy, Religion, Sacraments, Spirituality, Theology, Values on January 6, 2009 at 00:21

To call an event a milestone and mark it with some little ritual is to affirm of the meaning of life… Read the rest of this entry »

The (sort-of) semiotics of milestones

In Atheism, Birthday, Christianity, Culture, Faith, God, History, Holidays, Language, Life, Love, Opinion, Personal, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Theology, Thoughts, Values on December 19, 2008 at 05:34

To call an act/event a milestone and mark it with some little ritual is an affirmation of the meaningfulness of life… (Revised into a somewhat more readable post here.) Read the rest of this entry »

On the papal encyclical “Saved by hope” (revised)

In Benedict XVI, Bible, Catholicism, Christendom, Christianity, Church, Critique, Faith, God, Grace, Love, Opinion, Religion, Salvation, Spirituality, Theology on November 30, 2007 at 21:17

The Holy See has just published Spe salvi, the new encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI. Dealing with the Christian doctrine of hope, it can be found on the Vatican website, or through the link on Papal The following, of course, presupposes that one has read or will thereafter read the new document. Read the rest of this entry »

Is there a happily ever after? (Barkings, no. 4)

In Life, Love, Opinion, Personal, Thoughts on October 3, 2007 at 19:28

To my friend P__, after she texted that she could no longer imagine a happily ever after:

Me, I think there’s no happily ever after, only home ever after–sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but mostly in-between.  Maybe the question is, when it’s in-between, are you home?

Why does doctrine matter? part 1 of 2

In Bible, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Culture, Debate, Faith, God, Humor, Jesus, Life, Logic, Love, Opinion, Personal, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Theology, Thomism, Thoughts on September 29, 2007 at 20:42

…Weren’t we just bandying concepts, forming intellectual structures that were fascinating, but in the end, didn’t really matter? Wasn’t Christianity a mere mass of ideas, existing somewhere in a cloud of speculation, but having no link whatsoever with the life we lead? If it’s so real–as indeed, we believed it was–why was it complicated? Read the rest of this entry »