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Archive for August, 2012|Monthly archive page

Prayer for the Faithful Departed

In Catholicism, Christianity, Philippines, Prayer, Religion on August 21, 2012 at 14:21

In remembrance of Secretary Jesse Robredo of the Philippine Department of the Interior and Local Government, and the pilots Captain Jessup Bahinting and Kshitiz Chand, who passed away on 18 August 2012; and in remembrance of Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. who was assassinated on 21 August 1983, we post this prayer, centered on Psalm 129 (130), from the Raccolta:

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful; grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that by our devout supplications they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

“God Save the Church!” (Suggested Lyrics, to the Melody of “God Save the Queen!”)

In Atheism, Catholicism, Christendom, Christianity, Church, Conservative, Culture War, Faith, Grace, Jesus, Literature, Music, Orthodoxy, Poem, Poetry, Politics, Prayer, Protestantism, Religion, Secularism, Thoughts, Values on August 4, 2012 at 00:55

Lord, bless Thy holy Bride,
Born from Thy wounded side,
Thy one true Church…

From Satan’s vile intent
And men of evil bent,
God save the Church!…

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