omnibus omnia

Archive for the ‘Birth Control’ Category

Why we should baptize with beer instead of water

In Abortion, Bible, Birth Control, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Conservative, Ethics, Faith, Feminism, God, Humor, Jesus, Liturgy, Orthodoxy, Philosophy, Population, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Religion, Sacraments, Satire, Science, Secularism, Sin, Spoof, Theology, Tradition, Values on April 11, 2011 at 03:02

A Catholic DISSENT from the Pope’s prohibition of beer baptism: on exegetical, historical-critical, theological, pastoral, missiological, ecclesiological, epidemiological, semio-linguistic, scientific, phenomenological, anthropological, gender-egalitarian, epistemological, and faith-based grounds. Read the rest of this entry »

In criticism of Earth Hour

In Birth Control, Distributism, Economy, Environment, Ethics, Holidays, Manila, Philippines, Philosophy, Population, Science, Society, Values on March 29, 2009 at 03:27

…For it diverts attention from the real cause of environmental problems: capitalist consumption… Read the rest of this entry »

A note on genetic discrimination

In Abortion, Birth Control, Conservative, Culture War, Distributism, Economics, Ethics, Family, Feminism, Philosophy, Politics, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Thoughts, Values on May 27, 2008 at 20:13

Reuters reported early this month that the US Federal Congress had overwhelmingly approved a bill that prohibits insurers from discriminating against people with genetic predispositions to illness. According to the report Read the rest of this entry »

Kapatiran Party: Draft statement on reproductive “rights” legislation

In Birth Control, Catholicism, Christianity, Conservatism, Culture War, Ethics, God, Human Rights, Law, Philippine politics, Philippines, Politics, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life on January 19, 2008 at 10:55

These foreign governments and groups aim to promote a flawed and individualistic understanding of human rights, and to access strategic resources in poor countries… Read the rest of this entry »