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Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category

The Real Root of Environmental Evils

In Capitalism, Distributism, Economics, Economy, Environment, Ethics, Opinion, Politics, Population, Science, Society on June 19, 2015 at 12:37

…what is the real source of the problem? It is the unsustainable and immoderate (…) consumption and production patterns engendered by contemporary industrial capitalism….
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A Lament on the Resignation of Pope Benedict the Magnificent

In Benedict XVI, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Culture War, God, Jesus, News, Opinion, Religion, Secularism, Thoughts, Tradition, Values on February 12, 2013 at 02:55

We thought you’d be with us for many more years, and that thought gave us some peace, even when the world made war on our souls. And now those years are cut to 16 days…

(This lament, which departs from departed state of this blog, was written after the first shock of learning that Pope Benedict XVI will resign the papal office.)

Your Holiness:

You are Peter, Kepha, Rock[1], the Lord Jesus had named the first of His earthly vicars, the first bishop of Rome[2]. His city was the new Babylon, the center of the greatest pagan empire on earth[3]; but by his ministry as its bishop and his witness unto death St. Peter assured its conversion into the capital City of God, the beating heart of the Body of Christ[4].

And in this century you were given to us, Blessed in name and Blessed in truth, amidst a world that wanted to tear down the New Jerusalem to build a New Sodom that even the ancient pagans would have cursed. And while innovators surrendered to the world’s assault, you turned humbly to the Lord and became the great instrument of His grace and truth[5].

And upon this Rock I will build my Church[6], Christ our Lord had said of Blessed Peter, and through Him of you, Benedictus Petrus. You allowed the ancient liturgy of the Latins its ancient freedom[7], and gave the new worship of the West a new depth. You upheld God’s truth and pointed out His hope, leading us through the straight and difficult path of His commandments, so that we might remain in His love[8].

And the gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church[9], promised the Lord, and He fulfilled it in you. For the world did not just reject the grace by which God raises our nature to Himself[10]; but it denounced even the nature He made in His image[11], making human life an optional value before selfishness and sin. But its culture of death could not topple the pillar and foundation of truth[12] which the Rock of Salvation had set upon His earthly, human vicar.

But how Satan tried you, as he tried the first vicar of Christ[13]. You, who fought to purge sin from priests’ souls, were blamed for the disease that had festered because of another shepherd’s medicine of mercy. Because you dared convict it of sin, the world that forgave the beam in other men’s eyes gnashed teeth at the speck in yours[14]. Worse, those who called themselves God-knowers worked for your fall, because their hearts were far from the God Whom their lips theologized[15].

Like them we found it pleasant and “free” to turn from His one fold[16] to follow our own way, till we drew too near to the roaring beast that devoureth. Too late we remembered the words of the first Peter, who warned against the adversary that prowls about[17]. But you held your ground before us, and by an old man’s strength kept the wicked lions from our souls[18]. How glad we were then to hear you call, as sheep hear the living voice of their shepherd[19].

For the Word made flesh[20] had said, Confirm your brethren[21]. So you held fast to the faith once delivered to the saints[22] by epistle and word of mouth[23], and by precept and example[24] your strength became ours. And when the world and its treasonous pastors stormed at the ark of our salvation, you piloted us without fear, and unfurled its sails that the Spirit would bear us to our true homeland.

Beloved Father, why do you now leave your children so suddenly? Who will now hold the bleeding and weeping body of Christ?

Beloved Shepherd, who will now feed the lambs and sheep[25]? Who will fight off the baying wolves when you are gone?

Beloved Teacher, who shall guide us when you turn silent? Who will speak the truth we need and hate to hear, the law we know and fear to follow?

Your Holiness, while our minds accept that you must go, our hearts do not—not yet—, and they are very broken. There is so much undone that may never now be accomplished, so many wounds to mend that may never now be healed. We thought you’d be with us for many more years, and that thought gave us some peace, even when the world made war on our souls. And now those years are cut to 16 days.

And we fear what shall pass when you leave. We know by faith that the Church will never fail[26], and we hope in Christ that we shall sail in Peter’s barque to paradise; but what if the next Peter is one who denies the Lord[27], and not one like you who was crucified in His name[28]? By grace the new Pontiff is the infallible rock on whom God set His kingdom[29]; but if he be a sinner in deeds or a compromiser in policy, then might we not stumble on his block?

And yet, always, Holy Father, we have faith in Christ Who promised to be with us always[30], and in His Spirit Who leads us into all truth, even those we could not yet bear[31]. We trust in your judgment that a man of strength in mind and body is needed for the office of Peter, and that this man is no longer you. And we choose to hope that this faith and trust will outlive the pain that sears us now and so much at your resignation.

Oh, Benedict, our Benedict, we love you and we will pray for you, as you have ever prayed for us. May God bless you always, as He has blessed us through you.


[2] Pope St. Clement, Epistle to the Corinthians, v; and St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, III, iii, 2-3.

[7] Pope Benedict XVI, Summorum Pontificum, art. 2, 5.

When will Gibo give up? (re-posted)

In Democracy, Opinion, Philippine politics, Philippines, Politics on February 8, 2010 at 10:57

Democracy’s just political capitalism: the only question is where the supply-demand curves will leave the price, and when the deal will be struck… Read the rest of this entry »

Pope Benedict’s New Ecumenism

In Anglicans, Benedict XVI, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Culture War, Ecumenism, Evangelism, Faith, God, Opinion, Protestantism, Religion on October 22, 2009 at 00:36

The Pope has inaugurated a titanic shift in ecumenical policy with the new norms for Anglican converts. Read the rest of this entry »

What the Pope’s Anglican policy means

In Anglicans, Benedict XVI, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Conservative, Culture War, England, Faith, God, Jesus, News, Opinion, Orthodoxy, Religion, Tradition on October 21, 2009 at 02:43

For Pope Benedict the Magnificent, we bless and thank you, oh Lord our God! Read the rest of this entry »

Defend Justice Puno, says Kapatiran Party

In Asia, Christian Democracy, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Corruption, Democracy, Ethics, God, Government, Human Rights, Law, Manila, News, Opinion, People Power, Philippine politics, Philippines, Politics, Society, Values on January 17, 2009 at 22:38

“Justice Puno has protected us with heroism and conviction. Now it is our turn to protect him…” Read the rest of this entry »

The (sort-of) semiotics of milestones

In Atheism, Birthday, Christianity, Culture, Faith, God, History, Holidays, Language, Life, Love, Opinion, Personal, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Theology, Thoughts, Values on December 19, 2008 at 05:34

To call an act/event a milestone and mark it with some little ritual is an affirmation of the meaningfulness of life… (Revised into a somewhat more readable post here.) Read the rest of this entry »

Remembering Ninoy Aquino (Part 1)

In Civil Liberties, EDSA, Government, History, Holidays, Manila, Military, Opinion, People Power, Philippine politics, Philippines, Politics, Society on August 21, 2008 at 19:25

How then did this man of privilege become the scourge of the Dictator? Read the rest of this entry »

Greater Malaysia (by Manuel L. Quezon III)

In Government, Islam, Malaysia, Manila, News, Opinion, Philippine politics, Philippines, United States on August 15, 2008 at 17:55

MLQ3 argues, in sum, that the present imbroglio on the Mindanao Question arises from the hegemonic policies of the United States and Malaysia… Read the rest of this entry »

Thoughts on Art (by a Christian art lover)

In Art, Catholicism, Christendom, Christianity, Conservative, Criticism, Culture, Culture War, Debate, God, Jesus, News, Opinion, Philosophy, Religion, Theology, Thoughts, Values on July 6, 2008 at 03:04

A bargain Rembrandt? The very idea is priceless! According to a fascinating report a while back Read the rest of this entry »

Rethinking Pinochet (and Franco)

In Christian Democracy, Conservatism, Conservative, Democracy, Distributism, Government, History, Hitler, Military, Opinion, Politics, Society on June 19, 2008 at 05:11

If Franco, Pinochet, and Salazar acted like cads, they were at least not total cads with total power, and that is what spells their difference from Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. Read the rest of this entry »

Vocations are reviving among Christians!

In Asia, Catholicism, Christianity, Church, Evangelization, Faith, God, Grace, Jesus, News, Opinion, Orthodoxy, Priesthood, Religion, Spirituality, Thoughts, Tradition, Values on June 15, 2008 at 00:42

Therefore, let us thank God through Christ in His Church, and let us pray that the laborers may further increase, for it is indeed a bountiful harvest! Read the rest of this entry »

UK psychiatrists say abortion harmful to women’s health

In Abortion, Culture War, Debate, Ethics, Feminism, Health, Human Rights, News, Opinion, Politics, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Science, Suicide, Values on April 30, 2008 at 20:10

Abortion could pose a psychological health risk, says the British Royal College of Psychiatrists on the basis of recent studies that, among others, point to the heightened suicide rate among women who’ve had abortions Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Why I miss old-fashioned corruption

In Asia, Corruption, Democracy, Economics, Ethics, Government, Law, Manila, News, Opinion, People Power, Philippine politics, Philippines, Pinoy, Politics, Satire, Society on March 15, 2008 at 16:39

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A martyred bishop of a martyred church

In Catholicism, Christendom, Christianity, Church, Culture War, Faith, God, Grace, Human Rights, Iraq, Islam, Media, News, Opinion, Politics, Terrorism, War on March 15, 2008 at 04:51

Woe to us who let them suffer! For their witness is holy, but our indifference is an atrocity that is little short of unspeakable… Read the rest of this entry »